Stone Temple Pilots
I was responsible for creating the cover art for a rerelease of Stone Temple Pilot's Album "Tiny Music... Songs from the Vatican Gift Shop," which debuted in 1996. It is an album that displays a variety of influences musically from grunge to post-pop. For the design of the cover art, I was inspired by some of the imagery from the lyrics on a few of the tracks on the album including Big Bang Baby and Lady Picture Show. Of course, I wanted the album to express a kind of nostalgia that takes you back to the 90s. So by incorporating found vintage imagery I created a sort of narrative without a narrative. The imagery provides a kind of open-endedness that allows individuals to come to various conclusions as to what's happening on the front cover.
For the back of the album, I continued with the theme of war and duplicated the bombs found on the front of the album. I used Ciutadella typeface for the song track listing because of its clean machined lines. For the inner circular label on the front of the vinyl, I continued with the metal and bomb theme.